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The Oak Street Brigade was founded in 2011 to continue Rochester's strong history of supporting the Rhinos following the dissolution of the Stampede. We have established ourselves as the official supporters group of the Rochester Rhinos. We encourage all to join us in Section 101 at every home match, preseason, regular season, playoffs and Open Cup! There is no cost to join, we only ask that you bring your love of soccer and the Rhinos!

Why Join

Not only do you get to hang out with great people who love soccer, but members of the Brigade get reduced ticket prices both for individual tickets and season's tickets.  Members can also purchase OSB t-shirts, car stickers, and other memorabelia. To join either fill out the form at the bottom of the page, or just show up to the games and sit with us in section 101!

​What To Expect

Expect standing and cheering for all 90 minutes with a frienldy group of people!  While at the game please try to be respectful of others and use appropriate language.  While we understand in the heat of the game you may be tempted to curse, please attempt to keep that to a minimum. Furthermore, racial, sexist, or other forms of verbal abuse will not be tolerated.

​What To Bring

The most important thing you can bring is your body and your voice!  At every game we have flags, streamers, and various noise makers however more are always welcome.  Bringing friends is encouraged.  Try to wear Rhinos apparel if you have any, if not green clothes would also be a plus!

Join Today

Thank you for joining the OSB. See you at the games

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